Hello World!

Hello World! This is my first post on my new blog. I am very excited to start this journey and share my experiences with you. I hope you will enjoy it!

Topics you can expect from this blog:

  • Cloud Development (Azure)
  • DevOps (Terraform, Docker, CI/CD)
  • Personal projects

In order to give you hands-on examples, I will use this blog to document my personal projects. I will also share my experiences with the tools I use in my daily work. You may also find some code snippets here and there.

  • print("hello from python 🐍")
  • console.log('hello from js πŸš€');
  • system.out.println('hello from java β˜•');
  • pputs 'hello from ruby πŸ’Ž'
  • println!("hello from rust πŸ¦€");